
丼喀滋 藍帶豬排

今天晚上和公司同事去福科路上的「丼喀滋」吃晚餐 我點了咖哩藍帶豬排定食 呼呼~~呵呵~~~ 好吃好吃 :P 豬排小小的,不大,起司不多,倒是多了火腿 不過味道還是不錯的唷 要是豬排再大塊一點 要是起司再多一點 要是去掉火腿 要是高麗菜絲再多很多 哇~~~那就太完美了 ^ ^ 為什麼現在定食店都只有高麗菜絲、湯、飯可以無限續加 為什麼肉不能無限續加呢?! 火鍋店的肉片都可以盡情吃到飽了.... ><   其他同事也有人點藥膳火鍋、石鍋拌飯、喀滋豬排 不過看了看。。。 哇呵呵呵.....還是我的咖哩藍帶豬最上相、也最好吃了 開心開心~~~~


Worship the deities

Today I went to a temple nearby with my mom to worship the deities to pray for blessings and mind peaceful. But things really heppened so strange. 拜拜時,香明明拿斜著拜,可是香灰就是會一直飄往我手臂上燙我 總共10各爐,我大概被燙了5次多... 被燙第一次後就有在小心了...可是還是一直被燙 > < 拜到最後面1各爐...要到外面的大爐去拜 要下3個階梯,才下第2各階梯,整個人不知怎麼搞的差點跌倒 腳去拐到...整各鞋底幾乎脫落...剩一絲絲黏著 之後走路只好讓走底黏著地板、拖著腳走路... 真的很毛.... I wonder if the deities try to tell me or warn me something. But Jeff told me that's because I think too much and pay too little attention. ok, then I will focus 100% on everything I do, take good care of myself, not be so suspicious or think too msuh. Hope everything is going to the right track.


Girl, You said you finally got the answer, and you also proved something. I wanna leave some words to you, but I held my impulse and cancled eventually. You made me come back to the old times.... Perhaps the boy really loved the girl, perhaps there were some problems between the boy and his girlfriend and the problems were hard to overcome, so the boy finally turned to be with the girl. Even though the boy and the girl did have had a happy period, but it seemed something stucked in their mind, the girl's heart was uneasy and ill all the time, and finally they went to the way of separating. Karma is karma. What you do today will come back to you the other day. Girl, you deserve a better one.

So frightened

While I was driving home tonight, a little white dog suddenly ran out from the middle of the road. I stopped the car immediately and a sharp and loud noise scared me at the same time. I was so frightened that I even couldn't finger out the noise came from the car or from the dog or from my mind. I saw the dog ran to the sidewalk askew, but I was not sure that's because it just ran too fast or hit by me? I was so frightened and so shocked, then I stopped my car to the road side right at the next intresection. I spend a long time making my mind and heartbeating back little to normal. But I am still such frightened and scared now. Hope the dog is ok. I think I should go to the temple to pray for blessings.


Announcement conference & end-year celebrations

The yearly announcement conference and company's end-year celebration finally finished today. I felt so so tired and exhausted out.


She's the Man

It is a sunny day and also a nice day.
I've got my hair done. YA~~~

During the hair design period, I was watching a movie played on the star movie channel, "She's the Man." It is a really interesting and funny movie. I laughed loudly several times. It's talking about a girl likes playing football very much. She wanted to prove she could play football as well as men could, so she just pretended as her twin brother to join the male football team. During this period, many interesting things happened, and she loved her roomate, Duke.......

This movie makes me laugh. And the most important, Duke is pretty handsome. ^ ^
Worhty to recommend!



今天下午 在吃酸梅 不知為啥失神發呆...結果就把酸梅仔吞下去了 Shock !!!! Shoot !!!!! What should I do , what can I do..... > <


輕井澤 鍋物

為了慶祝美好的一天,來裝可愛一下 *^_^*


湯底普普...好像有兩顆紅棗還什麼的 :P
呵呵...我都愛吃 :PP

Beat the bad mood blues.
Go forward to the beautiful life.



A friend strongly suggests me to join the FACEBOOK. It seems like a platform that makes one person to know more about his friends and his friends' friends, gathering lots of groups to become a huge one. I'm not sure, but just seems like that. The FACEBOOK's function is too far complicated for me to understabd what it really wants to express to users. One of my friend, Debra, who is working and traveling and having fun in Australia said FACEBOOK is very popular in Australia, most of her friends are communicating with each other through the FACEBOOK platform. I think I need to give it a hard try in order to catch up the world trend, isn't it?! But, who can tell me exactly how to make use of it?!



今天是爹地生日 更是媽咪和爹地結婚X週年的紀念日 ^ ^ 希望媽咪和爹地能一直保有最初戀愛的甜蜜~經營細水長流的婚姻唷!! 那來記錄一下今天一整天的慶祝行程唄 還真是滿滿滿哩... 中午全家人和阿姨一家人浩浩蕩蕩地去「賀山魚翅懷石料理店」 點五組套餐,共6道菜,再加上蛋糕、水果及飲料 說真的~~ 不好吃.....又吃不飽...相對價格就變得比較貴 果然...經過數次的驗證...報紙的廣告真的很遜...完全不能信... 下午 拉著ㄚ姨的兩位寶貝女兒繼續續攤 去錢櫃唱KTV 然後配白木屋的芋頭布丁蛋糕慶祝生日快樂 8個人居然從2點半唱到7點半.....我的天ㄚ.... 不過我真正有拿起麥克風唱歌的大概只有5首吧 國中小女生的唱歌實力還真不能小覷 唱完歌就接著去吃晚餐...都快變宵夜了 去吃天香回味火鍋... 湯頭的味道~~整體的品質~~ 跟一年多前第一次吃的感受差了一大截 有點失望.... 不過還好的是店家變成吃到飽的經營模式 我可以吃很多自己愛吃的菜 多少彌補一些缺憾 回到家都10點了 今天~~過得很充實 希望媽咪和爹地都開心唷!!


今天早上 開著kiki上中壢參加秀玉的訂婚宴 一路上真是狀況百出 開了一段路發現手機忘了帶...再開回家拿 還沒到要轉北屯路就先轉軍功路...又來回開了一大段冤枉路 在上豐原交流道前迷路許久不得已下來問路人 才發現交流道就在前面那個不遠的路口 好不容易到達中信大飯店宴會廳了 正好感上新娘子敬酒&同學大合照的那一刻 呼~~~ 被全部同學虧得羞紅了臉 婚宴後 各位同學體諒我辛苦開了兩個小時的車北上 卻只吃到一兩道菜和甜點紅豆湯 再加上大家難得齊聚一堂 所以就決定續攤辦個小型同學會囉 一開始說要回中央母校 後來要改說去大溪 結果帶頭同學嚴重迷路 最後變成在龍潭的「烏楓林」喝下午茶聊天 挺幽靜的一個咖啡館... 因禍得福...又有機會到一間雅緻的咖啡館 點了個重乳酪蛋糕和一杯美式熱咖啡 這乳酪蛋糕挺特別的說 口感很綿密...但是卻很沒有味道...是無糖無鹹無味的乳酪蛋糕 午茶後 大家說要散了 原本是要跟著另一位同學的車上一高回台中 結果不知怎麼的 突然念頭閃過~~ 去南崁 手機拿起來就撥給了Iris...... 往南崁的路上 那種感覺是這樣的熟悉 曾經多少次在這條從台中到南崁的高速公路上 再次看著那紅色&綠色的EVA AIR燈號是那麼想念 衝動下就拿起相機由車內往外照 居然在高速公路上 邊開車 邊照相 我真是瘋了唄~~~ 走在那樣熟悉的街道上 走在那樣熟悉的台茂裡 開車著把我常去的地方都再去過一遍 回到以前租屋的地方 忍不住停留 就是靜靜地 默默地 走過一遍 懷念過一遍 好想...時間就停在那一霎那間 好想...就這樣留在南崁 呼~~ 我那段最美的青春 我那段最寶貴的回憶 只是... 太多的只是.... 別了~~南崁~~~



Today, Jeff and I went to the "TongLing Steak House" to have a nice dinner.
Frankly speaking, we planned to try "Karuisawa" in the beginning.
But the waitress told we may have to wait for about one hour, there were too many customers waiting.
I was so hungry and I didn't like the feeling of waiting, so I gave up to give it a try.
We decided to find another good restaurant.
And also for some reasons, finally we went to the "TongLing Steak House". ^ ^

Cynthia's order: 玉米蔬菜湯, 田園沙拉, 烤半雞, 蛋糕

Jeff's order: 巧達海鮮, 水果沙拉, 牛排, 烤布蕾, 檸檬蘆薈汁