
Eating Weekend

這週末,真的是狂吃又狂吃 現在,罪惡感超重的啦!! 星期五晚上,和雙J女孩去吃「布宜諾Pizza」 點了一大片 4 cheese pizza 和一大碗沙拉 pizza 是薄片,起司很多,挺合我胃口 沙拉就不用說啦,很新鮮很好吃 結果到最後大家都飽了,剩我一個人狂掃 可樂狂喝3杯 唉...都怪之前忍著不喝可樂太久的結果 星期六中午和朋友去吃「麻布茶坊」 點了一個素食拉麵 恩...說實話....很淡...很沒味道 都不知道自己在吃什麼.. > < 失敗失敗ㄚ 看來還是要點招牌的丼飯類才會好吃 星期日中午和朋友去吃「886食庫」 因為最近網路上大家都在傳此店的好吃食物照片 所以就想說過去試試看唄 11點10分那邊就一堆人在排隊了 還真有點誇張 再次見識到網路的力量與可怕 午餐就是點一個主菜加上其他自助buffee 我點了個嫩雞...恩...好吃唷...真得很嫩又夠味 buffee....還OK啦 菜色還算精緻,但是樣式沒有很多就是囉 我吃了好多的生菜沙拉、乳酪蛋糕、起司蛋糕、甜點餅乾 耶~~~開心開心 還是吃東西開心 能夠掃光這陣子的不愉快 呵呵~~~ 可現在我罪惡感超重的啦 連吃三天大餐 肥死我也...... 明天還要跟同事去吃野宴.... > < 救命ㄚ


洗衣機 細菌溫床

洗衣機如果不乾淨,不只衣服越洗越髒、裡頭也會暗藏細菌, 所以至少每三個月要清潔一次 ~~ 洗衣機清潔方法: 1. 先把洗衣機裡裝滿水 2. 把洗衣機專用的清潔粉倒進去、或1000cc的漂白水、還有白醋,這三種都有清潔效果 3. 接著按照平常的洗衣步驟,讓滾輪開始啟動,攪拌幾分鐘之後,可以看到原本清澈的水瞬間變成灰色,甚至還有一些棉絮和黑色的懸浮物通通跑出來。 4. 再讓洗衣機繼續泡水四個小時,等待洗衣槽的汙垢全部脫落。 注意事項: 1. 這樣,洗衣機就乾淨了嗎?大錯特錯!從來沒洗過的洗衣機,至少得重複清洗三次。 2. 用溫水的洗淨效果更好,洗衣機清潔溜溜。 整理自華視2007/11/08提供之新聞


女兒紅 港式飲茶

Tonight my younger aunt wanna treat my family dinner of 港式飲茶 in this new open restaurant "女兒紅" on the 文心 road. Althought I have a bad stomachache, I still say yes, I would leave my office and go to the restaurant as soon as possible, to my mom. Why? Because I love eatting 港式飲茶 so much and the outward appearance of this new open restaurant is so beautiful and attractive for me to give it a taste. Every dishes we ordered were very delicious, including 鳳爪, 蘿蔔糕, 水晶餃, 蝦球, 高麗菜, 花椰菜, 河粉, 腸粉, etc.. If I didn't have the terrible stomachache, I believe I would eat more and more and more and more. ^ ^ Next time, I will come to dine again when I am in a better healthy condition. By the way, there are only two defects, First, there is no cart service. I prefer a waiter pull a small cart full of food doning the table service and then I could take the dishes whatever I see on the cart, so real and so attractive. Second, this restaurant doesn't provide the business card. Doesn't it know I am a card collector! > < I had bad stomachache for this three afternoons. What happened to me? Tuesday afternon, I had stomachache but I still went to 麻布茶房 to dine with my colleagues. Umcomfortable during the dinner party and held till I arrived home. Yesterday afternoon, I had stomachache again. I thought working pressure and the whole day's meeting were the main reasons. So I tried to relax the pain by eating a lot of cookies and hot soups but in vain. This afternoon the same pain feeling came to me again. Huh.... I ate more cookies and drank than yesterday but got worst. And then I went for the treat and ate more food. Afterwards I felt worse and worse. I almost could not ride my motocycle home. Sigh!!! Poor my body...