
kiki adventure traveling Round 3

This weekend~~ I drove my little kiki and went traveling together again la~~ For me, it was the round 3 called adventure traveling. First, the end of Nov., 溪頭探路與會議場地勘查 Second, the middle of Dec., 惠蓀林場走登山步道 Third, the end of Dec. (today), 杉林溪賞鬱金香 Though, I drove my little kiki to the 樂樂谷 yesterday... But that trip was too short and too boring to be called as a adventure traveling for me. So, I traveled 3 places in one month. Wow, what a amazing record for me. For such a lazy girl. ^ ^ I should take a picture with kiki in the 杉林溪 to record the travel, just as I did in the 惠蓀林場 and then put the picture in the previous article of my blog . Next time, I won't forget to take one. Which spot will be better to be my next traveling place????

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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 baby! :D