

當初家人說今年春節想要出去度假 所以叫小朋友們去規劃行程 OK 大哥喜歡走高貴享受路線的...所以負責找歐美、日本、澳洲地區的旅遊 二哥喜歡悠閒享受的...所以負責找東南亞、峇里島地區的 我呢...因為春節前後不方便請假...只能玩5天...所以我就找國內旅遊 出去旅遊最主要是要讓父母親玩得開心就好 所以最後讓媽咪和爹地從好幾個方案中選一個決定 最後...父母決定了國內旅遊....就在宜蘭地區玩個四天三夜 所以我就開始去訂住宿的地方.... 也找了一些景點資訊讓大家看 只是玩得地方都可以商量...都可以依照大家比較想去的隨性改 後來....就去忙公司的研討會、發表大會、尾牙活動.... 忙到沒時間...也根本忘了再去多找幾個景點讓大家參考 結果...大家也都是不關己的樣子....也不去收尋旅遊資訊 今天居然還對我說..... "那春節我們要配合你準備什麼東西?" . . . . . . . . . 氣得我... 差點都想說那就別玩了算了 搞什麼 . . . . . 我好累喔... 不是我對家人沒耐心沒關心 只是事情常常到最後因果顛倒 責任全在我身上 我真的好累.....

4 則留言:

H 提到...

I believe your family just wanna follow the trip schedule you put in. NOT that they don't wanna go. That means you can schedule anything you want. Freedom to arrange the trip is great. You understand what I mean?

And remember I told you I was planning our family trip to Cebu, Philippines? Actually I spent lots of hours searching for info I needede (airlines, hotels, resorts, where to go), made phone calls to travel agents and do the scheduling thing. Then I knew we couldn't go there because of tickets stuff and the deposit for trip to Japan couldn't refund. But that's the way it is.

In the beginning not every family member wanna go to Cebu, I was frustrated for that. But later they just TRUSTED ME to do the arrangement. Even though couldn't make the trip to Phils this time, that's really enough for me.

Believe me, your family didn't mean what you thought. They simply, completely TRUST YOU on this trip.

Cheer up baby.

Cynthia 提到...

Thanks for your consolation....

But this kind of similar situations happened many times before. They wanna children to arrange the trip and schedule. When we planned the traveling spots and schedule, we would talked with them to ask for their opinions in the beginning, they always said it's ok, it's fine, or we hadn't ever been there before so no opinions, no comments, just follow you, kinds of that good words.

And, you know, things always happened in the right time while traveling. They would say it's boring, it's a bad place to go, we shouldn't even come to this place, they have had been here so many times, they already know how joyless this place is, there's nothing worthy visiting, kinds of that frustrating words. Why not express opinions at first, and why complain lots at the right time of visiting. That really beats me down.

It seems things will repeat again. Now no opinions, no suggestions, no survey, no preparations, no ideas, no discussions needed, just wanna follow and follow...........

May I escape from the reality, from the world! I wanna be alone!!

H 提到...
H 提到...

Okay.... if that, in your case, they seem to be a little too hard on you.

Maybe just think another way, sometimes the elderlys are being sarcastic because they are OLD.... I understand how you feel.

Have you watched the movies and shows I gave you? Just try some of them. It may help you forget something unpleasant. It works for me. :)

Just call me if you need someone to talk to.