

前幾天上班途中發生了一個小小小小...的車禍 被一台計程車撞我小白的屁股 還好雙方速度都不快 所以我只是倒下去...沒有飛出去 撞傷了手肘和膝蓋,受了點皮肉傷 又幸運地遇到了一個見義勇為的伯伯 扶起了機車、也扶起了我...還一直罵計程車司機的不是 呵呵...這社會還是有見義勇為的人~~真是充滿溫暖ㄚ ^ ^ 還要特別感謝欣 教我要去買人工皮跟白藥水 這樣才不會留下醜醜的疤痕 欣~~謝謝妳唷!妳人最好了。 也謝謝大家的關心....呵呵... 只是從那之後... 騎車的速度變得很慢很慢... 大概都30而以吧...上下班時間都要40分鐘以上去了 不知道是被嚇到了 還是自己越來越容易恍神 常常腦筋一片空白 到了公司門口或回到家門口才突然驚覺...ㄚ,已經到了 真是.....渾渾噩噩的.... Sign...

6 則留言:

H 提到...

You just take care. Being blackout while riding the motorcycle? Sounds not good.

H 提到...

Btw, I think you wanna say SIGH...not SIGN....right?

Or you meant it's a sort of sign...?

Cynthia 提到...


You are so sharp-eyed.
I wanna say "sigh...."
but, I also have a kind of "sign", a scar, deeply uply scar.

I wanna do the plastic surgeon to repair this terrible scar.
any doctor or clinic suggestion?

H 提到...

Not really. Not like I've known anyone famous already. How about Christian from ''Nip Tuck''? I think you'd love to have him fix your scar.... heh heh... I'm just kidding.

Maybe some good scar ointment will do?

Cynthia 提到...

Christian is really really fantastic handsome. ^ ^

I think the plastic surgeon is the most fast and helpful way to repair the scar, isn't it? I know, it's also the most expensive.

H 提到...

Oh, seems it's in your dreams. Heh heh. Maybe only Shawn is available for now. XD

I don't know anything about your scar. Maybe you can try other stuff to fix it first. If doesn't work, you may consider plastic then.