
Worship the deities

Today I went to a temple nearby with my mom to worship the deities to pray for blessings and mind peaceful. But things really heppened so strange. 拜拜時,香明明拿斜著拜,可是香灰就是會一直飄往我手臂上燙我 總共10各爐,我大概被燙了5次多... 被燙第一次後就有在小心了...可是還是一直被燙 > < 拜到最後面1各爐...要到外面的大爐去拜 要下3個階梯,才下第2各階梯,整個人不知怎麼搞的差點跌倒 腳去拐到...整各鞋底幾乎脫落...剩一絲絲黏著 之後走路只好讓走底黏著地板、拖著腳走路... 真的很毛.... I wonder if the deities try to tell me or warn me something. But Jeff told me that's because I think too much and pay too little attention. ok, then I will focus 100% on everything I do, take good care of myself, not be so suspicious or think too msuh. Hope everything is going to the right track.

5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

'Free your mind' is my favoriate sentence these days. sometimes. we just think too much.. when we free our minds.. then everything will be alright ~~girl, let's try to relax our body. relax our mind.. then enjoy everything around us !!

Cynthia 提到...


I was really exhausted and upnhappy recently, so I felt anything was not going on my way.

Just relax and Free.
Enjoy the life.

Dear Shin, thank you. ^ ^

H 提到...

Why the hell didn't I got any ''thank you'' like ashin got? Like I didn't provide any nice advice. :(

Cynthia 提到...

Hey,are you jealous at shin??!!
ccc...not like a man but a boy...

You gave lots of opinions and advices on the msn just right at the day I felt so nervous. Of course I appreciate you very much.

Handson Jeff, thanks a lot. ^^

H 提到...

Yeah, that's about it. :P